Browse Items (4 total)
- Tags: Dr. and Mrs. P.C. Corbin
Southwest Times, page 13 - June 3, 1951
Tags: Alfredia Dooley, Alphonso Hunter, Anna Belle Pierson, Anna M. Hendricks, Annie and Glenice Mills, Annie M. Tolliver, Arthur Meadows, Atlanta, Audrey Rollins, Baltimore, Bernard Carter, Bernice Johnson, Bonni Stith, Bonnie Perry, Bronx NY, Calfee Training School, Catherine Grubbs, Charles Berry, Charles Brown, Charles Day, Charles Hunter, Christiansburg Institute, Clark College, Clark's Chapel Methodist Church, class advisor, colored news, commencement, Consuella Boyer, Curtis Blake, David C. Kent, David Lewis, Delnora Harmon, Detroit, Donald Claytor, Donola Garrett, Douglas Hendricks, Douglas Slaughter, Dr. and Mrs. P.C. Corbin, Earl Perry, Edna Callahan, Edna Eaves, Edward Perry, Eirica Alexander, Elizabeth Moss, Ethel Payne, Evon Wilson, First Baptist Church, Franklin Murphy, Galilee Buford, Garland Trueheart, Gem City Garden Club, George Mills, Gerald Johnson, graduates, graduation, Harold Waugh, Helen Burks, High Point, Jamaica, James Dyer, James Sherman, James. C. Mills, John Mayo, Junior Broadneaux, Kenneth Burks, LaDonne Baker, Lena Ferguson, Malinda Calloway, Mamie C. Hale, Marie French, Marie Johnson, Mary Scott, Morgan college, Morristown college, Mr. and Mrs. A. Poe, Mr. and Mrs. George Hogan, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Long, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Corbin Jr, Mr. and Mrs. Sherill Paige, Mrs. Addie Foster, Mrs. C.C. Owens, Mrs. Captolia Lottier, Mrs. Dorothy Adams, Mrs. Elizabeth J. Howard, Mrs. Gretchen Gaines, Mrs. John Jenkins Jr, Mrs. John Murphy, Mrs. John Patterson, Mrs. M.D. Poindexter, Mrs. Margie Morris, Mrs. Peralie Patterson, Mrs. Preston Penn, Mrs. Robert Bills, Mrs. Victoria Paige, Ms. Betty Martin, Ms. Dorcas Johnson, Ms. F.M. Poindexter, Ms. L.M. Wilson, Ms. Lillian Wilson, Ms. Nancy Patterson, Ms. V.M. Charlton, New Century Methodist Church, newspaper, North Carolina, Ottoway Patterson, Patrica Reynolds, Pepper's Ferry Road, Personal Aid Club, photo, piano, Plymouth, principal, Princteon, Pulaski, Rev. and Mrs. F.D. Johnson, Rev. and Mrs. O.L. Johnson, Rev. Bristol Johnson, Rev. L.C. Choates, Rodell-Cruise, Roosevelt Johnson, Rosie Lee Young, Ruth Benson, senior class advisor, Silas Black, Southwest Times, Stella Muse, Talmadge Williams, Thomas Milton, Tommy Cruise, U.B. Broaneaux, United Holiness church, Vernon Curren, Virginia Eaves, Walter Poole, Water Street, Youngstown, Yvonne McClanahan, Z.S. Holmes
"Colored News" - January 8, 1950
Tags: Abe Reynolds, Alexandria, Blacksburg, Brooklyn, Calfee school library, Camp Campbell, Christmas party, Clyde Randolph, Cpl. Donald Carter, Dale Harmon, Delois Harmon, Donald Carter, Dorcas Johnson, Dr. and Mrs. P.C. Corbin, Dr. M.A. Santa Cruz building, formal opening, Galax, Gerald Johnson, Hampton, Hampton Institute, Harry Adams Jr, illness, Jean Holmes, Jessie Baker, Kentucky, Lawrenceville, Lonnie Bryson, Lonnie Bryson Jr, Lonnie Bryson Jr. Oscar Johnson, Mahatma Corbin, Maple Street, Maurice Corbin, meeting, Mr. and Mrs. Bethel Bourne, Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. C.D. Harmon, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Booth, Mr. and Mrs. Clye Grubb, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Harmon, Mr. and Mrs. G.H. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Hensel Milliner, Mr. and Mrs. John Jenkins Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. P.W. Ceasar, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mills, Mrs. Adam Robinson, Mrs. G.W. Gaines, Mrs. L.P. Clark, Mrs. Lucy Montgomery, Mrs. M. W. Toler, Mrs. M.A. Santa Cruz, Mrs. Mattie McKinney, Mrs. Montrol Stewart, Mrs. Pauline Harvey, Ms. Annie Mills, Ms. Arlene Carter, Ms. BEda McKinney, Ms. Betty Hale, Ms. Delois Harmon, Ms. Dorcas Johnson, Ms. Elizabeth Jenkins, Ms. F.M. Poindexter, Ms. Gladys Huckstep, Ms. Glenice Mills, Ms. Hazel Calfee, Ms. Helen Burks, Ms. Lessie Wilson, Ms. Margaret Calfee, Ms. Mildred Frazier, Ms. Nancy Patterson, Ms. Rebecca Thomas, Ms. Rosa Boyd, Ms. Ruth Holt, Ms. Viola Gaither, Ms. Virginia Randolph, Nancy Patterson, Nathaniel Carter, New York, newspaper, Oscar Johnson, Prof. and Mrs. U.B. Broadneaux, Pulaski, Pulaski and Montgomery County association, Radford, Rebecca Thomas, Robert Raleigh, Rufus Gaither, Ruth Holt, Southwest Times, St. Paul Polytechnic Institute, Stewart Avenue, student party, students, teachers, Vicker, Washington D.C., Wytheville, Zack Cambell
"Colored News" - September 24, 1950
Tags: Clark's Chapel church, Claudia Beverly, Columbus, district superintendent, Dr. and Mrs. P.C. Corbin, East Liverpool, Franklin University, Gilliam, Howard Medical College, James Stewart, Mary White Buford, Mary White Buford Woman's Club, Maurice Corbin, Mr. and Mrs. James Craig, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Crisp, Mrs. Alma Watson, Mrs. C.D. Harmon, Mrs. C.E. Johnson, Mrs. Dixon, Mrs. Edna Callahan, Mrs. Edward Cox, Mrs. Ellen Beverly, Mrs. Eloise Broadneaux, Mrs. Ethel Adams, Mrs. Georgia Ferugson, Mrs. Hazel Reynolds, Mrs. James Stewart, Mrs. Lacy Harmon, Mrs. Lelia Grubb, Mrs. Lillian Dixon, Mrs. Lillie Cockerham, Mrs. M.A. Santa Cruz, Mrs. M.W. Toler, Mrs. Mahalia Crisp, Mrs. Nichols, Mrs. Ola Price, Mrs. Roselle Clayborn, Mrs. Stella Grubb, Mrs. W.R. Brown, Ms. Alma Saunders, Ms. Amanda Edwin, Ms. Frederica Poindexter, Ms. Mattie Sue Hunter, Ms. Myra L. Mills, New Century Methodist Church, newspaper, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pulaski, Pulaski hospital, Randolph Avenue, reception, Rev. L.G. Howard, Rev. T.J. Baker, Salem, Sharpsville, social, Southwest Times, student, Tazewell, Thomas Mills, Washington, West Virginia
"Colored News" - June 30, 1939
Tags: baseball game, Bell Boyd Bentley, Big Stone Gap, Charlottesville, Chauncey Harmon, Chicago, Christiansburg, Columbus, David Conner, degree, delegate, district superintendent, Dr. and Mrs. P.C. Corbin, education, Ester Washington, Eureka Jubilee singers, Free Will Club, funeral, Garden City, Gary, Gem City Garden Club, George Hogans, Good Will Club, hay ride, hospital, illness, Kingsport, Knoxville, Ladies' Aid Society No. 1, lawn party, Lillian Dillard, M.A. Santa Cruz, M.T. Milliner, Maple Street. Rev. F.D. Thomas, Martinsville, Max Meadows, men's choir, Michigan State Teachers college, Montgomery County, Mountain Park, Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Russell, Mr. and Mrs. John Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Gaither, Mrs. Allie Fore, Mrs. Cappy Lottier, Mrs. Charles Stewart, Mrs. Emma Akers, Mrs. Gladys Watkins, Mrs. Jeanette Patterson, Mrs. Josie Stewart, Mrs. Mary Young Robinson, Mrs. Ollie Eddy, Mrs. T.G. Howard, Mrs. V.M. Randolph, Ms. Armelia Cox, Ms. Daisy Roger, Ms. E.E. Harris, Ms. Esther Gaskins, Ms. Frances Jonson, Ms. Hallie Fore, Ms. Jennie B. Calfee, Ms. M.L. Mills, NAACP, New Century Methodist Church, New York, newspaper, Ohio, Pentecostal Holiness Church, Pittsburgh, Pulaski, Pulaski ball team, Radford, Randolph Avenue, Rev. and Mrs. G.W. Hairston, Rev. Emory Wright, Rev. F.D. Thomas, Rev. T.G. Howard, Richmond, Robert Fore, Ruby Jones, Southwest Times, Tennesee, Vivian Lewis, Waddy Young, wedding, West End Club, West Virginia, White Plains, Wytheville, Ypsilanti