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- Tags: Oscar Johnson
"Colored News" - January 8, 1950
Tags: Abe Reynolds, Alexandria, Blacksburg, Brooklyn, Calfee school library, Camp Campbell, Christmas party, Clyde Randolph, Cpl. Donald Carter, Dale Harmon, Delois Harmon, Donald Carter, Dorcas Johnson, Dr. and Mrs. P.C. Corbin, Dr. M.A. Santa Cruz building, formal opening, Galax, Gerald Johnson, Hampton, Hampton Institute, Harry Adams Jr, illness, Jean Holmes, Jessie Baker, Kentucky, Lawrenceville, Lonnie Bryson, Lonnie Bryson Jr, Lonnie Bryson Jr. Oscar Johnson, Mahatma Corbin, Maple Street, Maurice Corbin, meeting, Mr. and Mrs. Bethel Bourne, Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. C.D. Harmon, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Booth, Mr. and Mrs. Clye Grubb, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Harmon, Mr. and Mrs. G.H. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Hensel Milliner, Mr. and Mrs. John Jenkins Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. P.W. Ceasar, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mills, Mrs. Adam Robinson, Mrs. G.W. Gaines, Mrs. L.P. Clark, Mrs. Lucy Montgomery, Mrs. M. W. Toler, Mrs. M.A. Santa Cruz, Mrs. Mattie McKinney, Mrs. Montrol Stewart, Mrs. Pauline Harvey, Ms. Annie Mills, Ms. Arlene Carter, Ms. BEda McKinney, Ms. Betty Hale, Ms. Delois Harmon, Ms. Dorcas Johnson, Ms. Elizabeth Jenkins, Ms. F.M. Poindexter, Ms. Gladys Huckstep, Ms. Glenice Mills, Ms. Hazel Calfee, Ms. Helen Burks, Ms. Lessie Wilson, Ms. Margaret Calfee, Ms. Mildred Frazier, Ms. Nancy Patterson, Ms. Rebecca Thomas, Ms. Rosa Boyd, Ms. Ruth Holt, Ms. Viola Gaither, Ms. Virginia Randolph, Nancy Patterson, Nathaniel Carter, New York, newspaper, Oscar Johnson, Prof. and Mrs. U.B. Broadneaux, Pulaski, Pulaski and Montgomery County association, Radford, Rebecca Thomas, Robert Raleigh, Rufus Gaither, Ruth Holt, Southwest Times, St. Paul Polytechnic Institute, Stewart Avenue, student party, students, teachers, Vicker, Washington D.C., Wytheville, Zack Cambell