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- Tags: meeting
"Colored News" - January 8, 1950
Tags: Abe Reynolds, Alexandria, Blacksburg, Brooklyn, Calfee school library, Camp Campbell, Christmas party, Clyde Randolph, Cpl. Donald Carter, Dale Harmon, Delois Harmon, Donald Carter, Dorcas Johnson, Dr. and Mrs. P.C. Corbin, Dr. M.A. Santa Cruz building, formal opening, Galax, Gerald Johnson, Hampton, Hampton Institute, Harry Adams Jr, illness, Jean Holmes, Jessie Baker, Kentucky, Lawrenceville, Lonnie Bryson, Lonnie Bryson Jr, Lonnie Bryson Jr. Oscar Johnson, Mahatma Corbin, Maple Street, Maurice Corbin, meeting, Mr. and Mrs. Bethel Bourne, Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. C.D. Harmon, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Booth, Mr. and Mrs. Clye Grubb, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Harmon, Mr. and Mrs. G.H. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Hensel Milliner, Mr. and Mrs. John Jenkins Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. P.W. Ceasar, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mills, Mrs. Adam Robinson, Mrs. G.W. Gaines, Mrs. L.P. Clark, Mrs. Lucy Montgomery, Mrs. M. W. Toler, Mrs. M.A. Santa Cruz, Mrs. Mattie McKinney, Mrs. Montrol Stewart, Mrs. Pauline Harvey, Ms. Annie Mills, Ms. Arlene Carter, Ms. BEda McKinney, Ms. Betty Hale, Ms. Delois Harmon, Ms. Dorcas Johnson, Ms. Elizabeth Jenkins, Ms. F.M. Poindexter, Ms. Gladys Huckstep, Ms. Glenice Mills, Ms. Hazel Calfee, Ms. Helen Burks, Ms. Lessie Wilson, Ms. Margaret Calfee, Ms. Mildred Frazier, Ms. Nancy Patterson, Ms. Rebecca Thomas, Ms. Rosa Boyd, Ms. Ruth Holt, Ms. Viola Gaither, Ms. Virginia Randolph, Nancy Patterson, Nathaniel Carter, New York, newspaper, Oscar Johnson, Prof. and Mrs. U.B. Broadneaux, Pulaski, Pulaski and Montgomery County association, Radford, Rebecca Thomas, Robert Raleigh, Rufus Gaither, Ruth Holt, Southwest Times, St. Paul Polytechnic Institute, Stewart Avenue, student party, students, teachers, Vicker, Washington D.C., Wytheville, Zack Cambell
"Colored News" - November 15, 1940
Tags: Addison High School, benefit, Bluefield, Calfee Training School, candlelight service, Christiansburg Industrial Institute, education association, Epworth League, First Baptist Chruch, fundraising, Hart Mills, illness, J. D. Wright, Mars. Anna B. Norman, meeting, Merchandise Club, Mrs. C. Santa Cruz, Mrs. Daisy Armstrong, Mrs. Edna Gardener, Mrs. G.H. Washington, Mrs. Ida B. McNorton, Mrs. L.C. Martin, Mrs. Langford, Mrs. M.L. Toler, Mrs. Mary T. Milliner, Mrs. Murphy, Mrs. Nanie C. Henry, Mrs. Ward, Ms. Altoi May Thompson, Ms. Hazel S. Calfee, Ms. Mattie Fuller, New Century Methodist Chruch, newspaper, North Pulaski Methodist Church, principal, PTA meeting, Pulaski, Pulaski hospital, Rev. Anderson Davis, Rev. H.L. Johnson, Rev. O.L. Johnson, Rev. Thomas G. Howard, Richmond, Roanoke, school band, Southwest Times, T. G. Henderson, Thanksgiving, U.B. Broadneaux, Utopian Bridge Club, V.H. Woods, Wytheville
"Colored News" - April 20, 1945
Tags: Abington, Baptist Church, building, Camp Holabird Maryland, Chicago, Christiansburg Institute, Circle No. 2, Circle No. 3, Dr. M.A. Cruz. Calfee Training School, entertainment, fundraising, H. Leslie Giles, Holiness Church, Jefferson School, King's Mountain Training School, Maple Street, Martinsville, meeting, military, Mother's Club, Mr. and Mrs. James McMickle, Mr. and Mrs. John Pattersno, Mr. and Mrs. Roosevelet McMickle, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cockerham, Mrs. Eloise Broadneaux, Mrs. Essie Conner, Mrs. John Jenkins, Mrs. Linnie Martin, Mrs. O.L. Johnson, Mrs. Santa Cruz, Ms. Elizabeth Jenkins, Ms. Gretchen Washington, Ms. Katie Martin, Ms. Mae Goins, New Century Church, New Guinea, newspaper, North Carolina, Paul McMickle, Personal Aid Club, play, Pulaski, Pvt. Maceo Patterson, Rev. and Mrs. O.L. Johnson, Rev. F.D. Thomas, Rev. L.C. Choate, Reves Miltan, Roanoke, Southwest Times, United Pentecostal Holiness church, University hospital, V.B. Broadneaux, Washington, Wilmington
"Colored News" - August 31, 1945
Tags: Annabell Watson, Beckley, birthday, Bluefiled, Calfee Training School, Cleveland, college, Columbia University, Columbus, Contance and Pauline Clark, Dr. A.G. Macklin, Dr. and Mrs. M.A. Santa Cruz, Elizabeth Smith, Essex County, Eugener Crockett, festival, Francis Watson, Fred Thomas, funeral services, Gem City Garden Club, Harless Lewis, Ida Early, illness, Jeanette Richards, Josephine Virginia Watson, Maple Street, Mary E. Garrett, master of arts degree, meeting, Missionary Society, Morristown, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Cicero Rasby, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. James Burks, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ward Sr, Mrs. Aldena Davis, Mrs. Eva French, Mrs. Gretchen Washington, Mrs. James Stuatrs, Mrs. Lelia Belle Lewis, Mrs. Margarette Johnson, Mrs. Mariah Penn, Mrs. Newlson Clark Ward, Ms Katherine and Helen Burks, Ms Lena Nichols, Ms. Amelia Delever, Ms. Hazel S. Calfee, Nelson Clark III, Nettie Lowe, New Century Methodist Church, New York, newspaper, Ohio, Pinehurt Cemetery, Prospect Avenue, Pulaski, Randolph Avenue, Rebecca Thomas, Rev. F. D. Thomas, Rev. Jerry M. Watson, Rev. L.C. Choates, REv. Mr. Tenner, Suffolk, Susie Burgess, Sydney Clark, Washington DC, West Virginia, workshop, Youngstown Ohio