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- Tags: Ms. Frederica Poindexter
"Colored News" - February 17, 1939
Tags: Ann Hue Nichols, Bluefield, Charlie Caplan, Charlottesville, Christiansburg, conference, diphtheria, Dr. M.A. Santa Cruz, Dr. P.C. Corbin, Epworth League, Everyready club, Federal choir group, First Baptist Church, Frank Watson, fundraiser, funeral, Hart Mills, Holiness Church, illness, James Curren, Junior Nichols, Louis Nichols, M.E. Church, Maple Street, Marion, men's community choral club, Missionary Society, Morristown college, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beverly, Mr. and Mrs. Lane Rogers, Mrs. Alice Cox, Mrs. Anne G. Murphy, Mrs. Armelia Carter, Mrs. Bertha Clark, Mrs. Hazel Thomas, Mrs. Helen Clayborn, Mrs. Julia Smith, Mrs. Louise Poe, Mrs. Lucy Clark, Mrs. Lummie Wilson, Mrs. Maggie Poindexter, Mrs. Marie Nichols, Mrs. Mary Bell Harmon, Mrs. Mary Bledsoe, Mrs. Nancy Clark, Mrs. Olivia Canady, Mrs. Rosa Bullock, Mrs. V.M. Randolph, Ms. Alberta Clark, Ms. Calfee, Ms. Edna Clark, Ms. Elizabeth Jenksin, Ms. Frederica Poindexter, Ms. Harriet Hendricks, Ms. Hazel Calfee, Ms. Lorraine Beverly, Ms. Margaret McClanahan, Ms. Ruth Thomas, Ms. Washington, New Century Methodist Church, newspaper, North Pulaski choir, Pastor's Aid, Petersburg, Princeton, Prof. C.M. Honesty, Prof. Chauncey Harmon, Prof. Dabney, PTA, Pulaski, Radford, Randall Thompson, rehearsal, Rev. Aaron Lash, Rev. and Mrs. F.D. Thomas, Rev. O.L. Johnson, Roanoke, S.E. Moss, Salem, Southwest Times, West Virginia, William Carter, William Green, William Harris, Woman's Home Missionary Society, Wytheville
"Colored News" - September 24, 1950
Tags: Clark's Chapel church, Claudia Beverly, Columbus, district superintendent, Dr. and Mrs. P.C. Corbin, East Liverpool, Franklin University, Gilliam, Howard Medical College, James Stewart, Mary White Buford, Mary White Buford Woman's Club, Maurice Corbin, Mr. and Mrs. James Craig, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Crisp, Mrs. Alma Watson, Mrs. C.D. Harmon, Mrs. C.E. Johnson, Mrs. Dixon, Mrs. Edna Callahan, Mrs. Edward Cox, Mrs. Ellen Beverly, Mrs. Eloise Broadneaux, Mrs. Ethel Adams, Mrs. Georgia Ferugson, Mrs. Hazel Reynolds, Mrs. James Stewart, Mrs. Lacy Harmon, Mrs. Lelia Grubb, Mrs. Lillian Dixon, Mrs. Lillie Cockerham, Mrs. M.A. Santa Cruz, Mrs. M.W. Toler, Mrs. Mahalia Crisp, Mrs. Nichols, Mrs. Ola Price, Mrs. Roselle Clayborn, Mrs. Stella Grubb, Mrs. W.R. Brown, Ms. Alma Saunders, Ms. Amanda Edwin, Ms. Frederica Poindexter, Ms. Mattie Sue Hunter, Ms. Myra L. Mills, New Century Methodist Church, newspaper, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pulaski, Pulaski hospital, Randolph Avenue, reception, Rev. L.G. Howard, Rev. T.J. Baker, Salem, Sharpsville, social, Southwest Times, student, Tazewell, Thomas Mills, Washington, West Virginia