Browse Items (13 total)
- Tags: Chauncey Harmon
"Principal of Colored School Appeals to Pulaski Citizens in Effort to Reopen Classes"-- 2 of 2
"Principal Of Colored School Appeals to Pulaski Citizens In Effort to Reopen Classes"
"The Harmons Celebrate Wedding Anniversary"
"Fighting For School Equality"
Tags: Brown v. Board, Calfee Training School, Calfee Training School Improvement League, Chauncey Harmon, Christiansburg Institute, discrimination, equalized education, NAACP, newspaper, Oliver Hill, Percy Corbin, petition, Pulaski, Pulaski School Board, Roby C. Thompson, segregated schools, Spottswood Robinson, The Southwest Times, Thurgood Marshall, Virginia Pupil Placement Board, Willis Gravely
"Colored News" - September 15, 1944
"Colored News"- June 30, 1939
Tags: Chauncey Harmon, NAACP, newspaper, Pulaski, Richmond, The Southwest Times
Photo: "Teachers Who Led Fight"
"Calfee Training School"
"Colored News" - June 30, 1939
Tags: baseball game, Bell Boyd Bentley, Big Stone Gap, Charlottesville, Chauncey Harmon, Chicago, Christiansburg, Columbus, David Conner, degree, delegate, district superintendent, Dr. and Mrs. P.C. Corbin, education, Ester Washington, Eureka Jubilee singers, Free Will Club, funeral, Garden City, Gary, Gem City Garden Club, George Hogans, Good Will Club, hay ride, hospital, illness, Kingsport, Knoxville, Ladies' Aid Society No. 1, lawn party, Lillian Dillard, M.A. Santa Cruz, M.T. Milliner, Maple Street. Rev. F.D. Thomas, Martinsville, Max Meadows, men's choir, Michigan State Teachers college, Montgomery County, Mountain Park, Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Russell, Mr. and Mrs. John Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Gaither, Mrs. Allie Fore, Mrs. Cappy Lottier, Mrs. Charles Stewart, Mrs. Emma Akers, Mrs. Gladys Watkins, Mrs. Jeanette Patterson, Mrs. Josie Stewart, Mrs. Mary Young Robinson, Mrs. Ollie Eddy, Mrs. T.G. Howard, Mrs. V.M. Randolph, Ms. Armelia Cox, Ms. Daisy Roger, Ms. E.E. Harris, Ms. Esther Gaskins, Ms. Frances Jonson, Ms. Hallie Fore, Ms. Jennie B. Calfee, Ms. M.L. Mills, NAACP, New Century Methodist Church, New York, newspaper, Ohio, Pentecostal Holiness Church, Pittsburgh, Pulaski, Pulaski ball team, Radford, Randolph Avenue, Rev. and Mrs. G.W. Hairston, Rev. Emory Wright, Rev. F.D. Thomas, Rev. T.G. Howard, Richmond, Robert Fore, Ruby Jones, Southwest Times, Tennesee, Vivian Lewis, Waddy Young, wedding, West End Club, West Virginia, White Plains, Wytheville, Ypsilanti