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Bertha Ann Austin SWT 1967.JPG
Photo and brief introduction of Bertha Ann Austin, a then- transfer student from Christiansburg Institute.

10.19.1958. _Calfee Training_ (1).jpg
Calfee Training School news: Sandra Patterson represented Calfee at the Christiansburg Institute homecoming parade. Also accompanying were Shirley Flynn, Brenda Holmes, Valerie Cook, Joanne Hampton, and Gwendoln Stewart, chaperoned by Mrs. D. DeBerry…

Radford News Journal 4_25_1956 Calfee, Gresham, Wygal, etc..pdf
Annual child health night program to be held at Christiansburg Institute featuring music and special drills. Participating schools included Calfee Training School, William Gresham School, Fred Wygal School, Wakeforest School, Blacksburg Elementary,…

Radford News Journal 3_17_1961 Students Apply to Pulaski Schools.pdf
Twenty-five Black students sought attendance at Pulaski County high schools for the 1961-62 school year. Superintendent Frank Critzer stated most of the applications were from seventh grade students at Calfee Training School and Rich Hill Elementary…

Updates and announcements happening in the Black community in Pulaski. Programs, Family matters, health, death announcements, travel/guest updates. Of note: Photo and brief description of area teachers at Black schools meeting at Calfee to discuss…
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