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- Tags: festival
"Calfee Training"
Tags: Brenda Holmes, Calfee Elementary School, Calfee Training School, Christiansburg Institute, festival, Gwendolyn Stewart, Hall Gospel Singers, homecoming court, Joanee Hampton, Mrs. D. DeBerry Venable, Mrs. Helen Hampton, Ms. Sandra Patterson, newspaper, parade, program, Pulaski, Shirley Flynn, Southwest Times, Valerie Cook, Valley Street Baptist Church
"Colored News" - August 31, 1945
Tags: Annabell Watson, Beckley, birthday, Bluefiled, Calfee Training School, Cleveland, college, Columbia University, Columbus, Contance and Pauline Clark, Dr. A.G. Macklin, Dr. and Mrs. M.A. Santa Cruz, Elizabeth Smith, Essex County, Eugener Crockett, festival, Francis Watson, Fred Thomas, funeral services, Gem City Garden Club, Harless Lewis, Ida Early, illness, Jeanette Richards, Josephine Virginia Watson, Maple Street, Mary E. Garrett, master of arts degree, meeting, Missionary Society, Morristown, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Cicero Rasby, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. James Burks, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ward Sr, Mrs. Aldena Davis, Mrs. Eva French, Mrs. Gretchen Washington, Mrs. James Stuatrs, Mrs. Lelia Belle Lewis, Mrs. Margarette Johnson, Mrs. Mariah Penn, Mrs. Newlson Clark Ward, Ms Katherine and Helen Burks, Ms Lena Nichols, Ms. Amelia Delever, Ms. Hazel S. Calfee, Nelson Clark III, Nettie Lowe, New Century Methodist Church, New York, newspaper, Ohio, Pinehurt Cemetery, Prospect Avenue, Pulaski, Randolph Avenue, Rebecca Thomas, Rev. F. D. Thomas, Rev. Jerry M. Watson, Rev. L.C. Choates, REv. Mr. Tenner, Suffolk, Susie Burgess, Sydney Clark, Washington DC, West Virginia, workshop, Youngstown Ohio