Browse Items (8 total)

Education Conference - April 24, 1937.pdf
"Regional high schools suggested as remedy for problems." A recap of a regional education conference focusing on how regional high schools would solve issues of unequal opportunity

English Dept Play-SWT-Feb-13-1938-p-8.png
A review of the play, "Evening Clothes", presented by students of the Calfee Training School's English Department.

Hot Lunch Program-SWT-Dec-19-1937-p-5.png
Detailing of the WPA hot lunch project's impact for school students including the Calfee Training School.

Calfee School Radio Broadcast-SWT-Nov-11-1934-p-6.png
Southwest Times coverage of an education event and radio broadcast presented by the Calfee Training School.

Pulaski Schools Track and Field Competition-SWT-May-09-1937-p-2.png
Brief article recapping a track and field meet between Dublin, Draper, and Calfee Training School. The meet was held in Draper, Virginia.
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